Harry and pansy marriage contract fanfiction. It was obvious to me to have Harry paired off with a Slytherin girl for this story. Harry and pansy marriage contract fanfiction

 It was obvious to me to have Harry paired off with a Slytherin girl for this storyHarry and pansy marriage contract fanfiction "I should probably go home and deal with all the paperwork

Watch as their lives become intertwined, and their destinies unfold. "I love you Harry James Potter" she said then kissed him. "I'm Marco Luka Zabini, fifteen. "Oh, I just feel so fat and ugly," Pansy complained. In order to save the Wizarding population, the Ministry has made a new law that anyone ages 17-2Pansy needs to break her marriage contract with Draco before she can marry her partner, all she needs to do is to tell Draco about them. In the autumn of 2011, Harry Potter's daughter starts her first year at Hogwarts. You know she is not really your sister. Harry Potter and the Rigged Marriage Contract. "It's Harry. "Er, hello. Blaise and Pansy entered the compartment holding a copy of the Daily Prophet with Headline showing. It was titled " Marriage Contract". Chapter One: Awkward Chance. White Knight Grey Queen by jeconais. "Alright, firs' years! Everybody get in a boat! No more 'n four ter a boat!" said Hagrid. , Daphne G. Chapter 1. They soon realise that it takes equallity and stability to be Happy. "Looks like Pansy's great-grandfather made the contract with Corvus LeStrange. Harry/Pansy, background Hermione/Ron. When Harry's friend abandoned him after his name came out of the Goblet, Snape remembering his vow to Lily, decides to help Harry survive the tournament. "Yes, Master Potter-Black. A/N: I originally posted this story about a year ago and have had such a positive response that I thought I would give it a little bump for the holidays. Somebody grab him!" She was a bloody blind and ignorant fool! Pansy had kept an eye on Harry Potter over the years. It is meant to be a feel-good story, so there will be minimal angst and drama. Pansy Parkinson was many things, a manipulative liar at times, a horrendous Slytherin cow with no emotions for anyone other than herself and her vanity, who cared little for tedious things such as friendship and pure souls, however like any girl of her age she did indulge herself into small minute feelings, she allowed herself to hopelessly crush on Draco. London England. I am here to tell you that your Marriage Contract will expire in exactly a week and your marriage will be filed as void. By:. Harry Potter and the Future's Past by DriftWood1965 - The day after the Battle of Hogwarts, the Goddess of Love provides Harry and Hermione the chance to go back in time. She taught Pansy all about the art of potions. I'm aiming for once a week but no promises. March 21th, 1991. The date for Daphne's marriage to Harry Potter draws ever closer. New marriage law passed just three years after the second wizarding war to prevent any future wars due to blood prejudice and to increase the wizarding population which was affected by the war. In second year they found a way to get boys into the girls dormitories. " Harry slammed his eyes shut, he felt nauseous and light headed. Chapter 2 – The Marriage Contract. "Well I think that is about enough. ] - Chapters: 5 - Words: 26,643 - Reviews: 155 - Favs: 896 - Follows: 489 - Updated: 5/5/2014 -. The Greengrass Contract By: christianr. Crease well and unfold: Character: Pansy Parkinson. Lily and James have bankrupt the Potter name. "Silence, BITCH. ' 'I'll explain everything soon Neville, I promise. , Pansy P. Harry wondered what prompted him to snap at Astoria Greengrass. , Pansy P. Never Alone by ToManyLetters reviews. "Honestly my favourite version of Pansy (as well as my first encounter with her) was 5-ish years ago. "I did, and it's the truth" Harry said smiling. " It was close. Action/Adventure. ABANDONED. And Cedric and Viktor also told him they were in love with him as well as Fred and George. A couple of notes: First, a warning: This fic contains adult themes that may be triggering, particularly rape and sexual abuse. Once there, Harry was subjected to a whole host of betrayals as those closest to him had been dipping their hands into his family's accounts. Quidditch Pitch. Please seal the marriage," Dumbledore commanded the official. Her younger sister held her tongue, understanding the intense pressure that her older sister had been placed under. Bound by Pureblood Traditions, Harry can only use that to his. There he is wins the coveted position of assistant to the professor of the Magical Sexuality class. , Dolores U. Harry was curious and opened the door to find a small room, with a bed and bathroom. Language: English. While getting his robes he meets Narcissa Malfoy, and certain events take place which will send our hero through a series of very fortunate events. Now you've signed a document with your husband about a few months ago about aiding Draco Malfoy to regain his possession of the Malfoy Property. By the first glance, she knew Millicent and Pansy were not in a very good mood – Pansy was far worse than the other and it was obvious she was pretending very hard to act normal. Hermione and Harry attend the first anniversary ball of the defeat of Voldemort and face another foe. AU Fourth Year: Harry has been entered into the GOF. Riddle's eyes widened and he took a step back. Pairings: Harry/Draco eventually, one-sided Draco/OFC, Lily/James, Lucius/Narcissa, mentions of Pansy/Blaise Content Notes: AU, courting, weird marriage customs, bonding Rating: R Summary: Nineteen years ago, the. Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, Hermione Granger, and Ginny Weasley have just defeated Voldemort, however, he will return with the help of one of his other Horcruxes. The Blacks were too old of a family to not add loopholes. Without a fuss, she accepted his offer and buried her face in his warmth. A round of questioning followed before a finale of forcing the evil prick to slit his own throat. "Ginny, burning marriage proposal still won't stop Harry having to get two more wives you know. When She entered the room she saw that her husband was sitting next to their 'post box'. "All the lies and pain you put me through, and now I know its not me its you. Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. The thought of spending the entire night locked in some office with Potter infuriated her beyond what she was feeling already. Two days passed and now the whole Parkinson family is waiting to floo into Malfoy Manor. One took his wand, and the other two stood, smirking. Harry addressed him since he was the one that spoke first. He opened his right palm, sliced it open with his palm, wincing slightly in the process, and turned his hand over. Chapter Text. Fireworks Show: Cherry Bomb (pairing) Ron/Pansy. " "Yet, lawfully a legal adult. A little man with a hat was talking to the old barman who was quite bald and looked like a gummy walnut. A few people said that I developed the relationship between Harry and Hermione too quickly, but remember they have been friends for four years now, and Harry wanted to marry her before he got caught up in the marriage contracts! Everyone suggested that Luna Lovegood be one of Neville's witches, but remember we don't meet her until book 5. "Then don't marry her. "The contract was activated due to an as of yet unknown clause in this," he indicated, pointing to one of the big stacks of paper on the table. Harry stood before his life's nemesis, looking in the face of pure evil. He looked at the parchment and was suddenly frightened. This time an irate Molly Weasley who is angry she broke up with Ron. Harry befriends the boy, meets his parents and they save him from the Dursley's – a terrible fate by Dumbledore. Nott could have used the. It became very complex in my head and ended up focusing more on the marriage aspect, or really the complexity of. A marriage contract. They cheered as the contract burnt itself to cinders. The scion to the Longbottom family was concerned about his friend's state of mind. Pansy stared in shocked silence at the little white stick and its pink plus sign. Chapter 1. Harry lay in the bed he'd been given at the Order's headquarters. The word count is 3,223 words. Sunday "Pansy, you're so lucky that your parents took you to France this summer, mine refuse to go anywhere because of the Aurors constantly watching us," Millicent Bulstrode — Pansy's best friend if one existed — whined as the girls made their way down the long, twisting corridors of Hogwarts; a school that'd slowly begun losing its. Chapter 1: Wild Child. September 01, 1997. Harry Potter sat in the headmaster's office with none other than Pansy Parkinson. She slammed the door to her bedroom shut and began to pick things up and break them. You'll probably like her. It wasn't that she wasn't good looking, she wasn't vain, but she could acknowledge she. Snape and Hermione marriaged by law in between the. Next to this painting on the right is the painting of their son, who. He stood awkwardly for a few moments; Kingsley took pity on him and waved his hand vaguely at the chair in front of his desk. T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 985 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 134 - Follows: 92 - Published: 2/19/2021 - Harry P. Daphne is locked in a marriage contract with Harry Potter, but she doesn't want any marriage contract, she wants the freedom to choose her husband, and the only way out is by killing him, so she tries, but Harry wasn't called the Boy Who Lived for nothing. It was their little secret. I don't know what happened to me. "I'm sixteen. and when she sees Harry coming back from the Triwizard Champions tent, an idea pops into her head. The weekend after Harry broke up with Daphne an article appeared in the Daily Prophet that spoke about Harrys marriage contracts and the four girls he has chosen to court for the possibility of agreeing to the marriage contract. Pansy Parkinson Dumbledore made his way to Privet Drive in the heat of summer. 1: A simple Confundus Charm and piece of paper with your name on it and possibly a simple magical signature, is enough to fool an ancient magical artifact. When Pansy finds herself on the wrong side of Voldemort, she persuades her parents that only one person could help them. Her heart was beating fast, too fast. The door opens and Hermione walks in with a bright smile wearing Daisy Duke Shorts and a tank top. Harry read the article feeling stunned. "Fred and George know," Ginny said. " "Right and I am betting the rest of you feel the same. I am from the Department of Short Term Marriage Contracts in the Ministry of Magic. "What you're reading is their Marriage Contract that expired just two days ago so this marriage is not only a fraud, it's null. . "Well nice ter meet yeh, Pansy. Then she looked the young woman in the eyes, "Don't forget to check the Marriage contract. A small trust vault with 44,000 Galleons and a marriage contract with Heiress Pansy Parkinson. ashknight1221. She is the only Slytherin girl that actually gets some characterization in the books. Potter of this occurrence. See you at Christmas. First was an expensive Chinese heirloom vase her mother had given her; then a fancy Victorian dollhouse, a porcelain and gold detailed china tea set, all smashed to bits. In the aftermath of the war, all marked Death Eaters are imprisoned in Azkaban for a minimum of fifteen years. Pansy, who had been responsible for torturing Hermione, Ron, and himself almost daily, and who was engaged to his nemesis Draco Malfoy according to the school gossip vine. This is a short story of the aftermath. "Just sign the divorce, Harry," breathed Pansy, leaning forward so. He set the cork down on the table and took the bottle by the neck. becoming a family together. A rewrite of 'Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts' done to improve some of the story elements, cut down on the Weasley bashing, and generally make a bit more sense. Think about yourself for a while. 133,554. He pulled his head out of the room, then turned back to Hermione. Life couldn't get a lot worse. As a reward for a living a short but courageous life, Harry Potter is sent to a new reality where sex is much more prominent in the magical world. "I will not be ignored" Ron shouted trying to draw the attention back on him. 2. Everything else was secondary, including dealing. He didn’t understand why his friends were supporting the suggestion. No witch or wizard will be allowed to choose who they marry, they will be chosen by the ministry. "Unless Daphne has a sister she hasn't told me about there is no. Harry went straight to Grimmauld place where he removed Mad-eye's enchantments before heading up to Sirius' bedroom. Returning to Hogwarts to repeat 7th year and telling their friends of their relationship. HP AU [HP/DG] If you weren't reading the last chapter(s)…Harry's killed Peter Pettigrew, somewhat vanquished Voldemort in the graveyard with a lot of help from Cedric Diggory, killed the fake Mad-Eye moody, been freed forever from Dursleys by a freed Sirius Black, handed back the gun Sirius gave him, then. HAPHNE. I'm suggesting that you ignore them. The group separated and headed toward their house tables. - Harry must be involved in a marriage contract (Accepted) - James and whomever he made the contract with must be drunk when the contact is drawn up. Which means that by collecting magical signatures. The side of the Light has won. The first step Harry had taken was to get rid of Edmund Parkinson. Soulgazing By: llst40. The contracts were almost thrown away by the Goblins; however, the presence of the House Seals prevented them from doing so. Infractions include attacks on the wife, attacks on any child sired, and imprisonment in Azkaban. The audit had confirmed that over two million galleons had been taken from the vault under. The marriage law was reintroduced. The Marriage Contracts Redux by Clell65619. Harry Potter and the Marriage Contracts. You are a very bright young man and we know that you will find a way out of this. "No wonder Ginny had a crush on me. He sat next to Daphne and wrapped his free arm around her encouraging her to rest her head on his shoulder. A story that looks at what could happen if Harry had someone who loved him, someone who would push him, and someone who would back him financially. Short, oneshot, not angsty. As each morning after his marriage, Harry woke up with the scent of citrus and lavender in his nose. Harry did as Bellatrix commanded, he hugged Pansy Parkinson. One of a collection of possible sequels to Harry Potter and the method of double-tap. Fanfic Competition -- Topic -- HOGWARTS DAYS.